VPN Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: What is a Virtual Private Network (VPN)?

A VPN or virtual private network is technology that allows you to create a secure and encrypted connection to a server. Your traffic is then routed through that server before it goes out to the rest of the internet, any returning traffic also passes through this server, thus making you appear like you are virtually residing in the location of the server.

Question 2: Should I use a VPN?

Yes. A VPN creates a secure tunnel that all of your internet traffic is routed through. This tunnel protects all of your browsing information, including any searched for terms or typed phrases. Without the security of a VPN, you are vulnerable to Snoopers and Hackers.

Question 3: How will a VPN affect my internet?

Some lesser-known VPN providers have networks which are not built to handle high traffic usage, as a result, your internet connection will be slower than when you are not connected. All of our top ranked providers have high performance networks and do not suffer from this issue.

Question 4: Is using a VPN safe?

Answer: It is absolutely safe, in addition, it makes using your computer safe. A VPN gives you an extra layer of protection when using the Internet on your home network and public wifi.

Question 5: Which Protocol is best to use?

It is widely accepted that OpenVPN offers the best combination of speed and security. Most protocols are very reliable, but you should avoid PPTP for security.

Question 6: Can I get VPN on my mobile device?

Yes, absolutely. All of our featured VPN providers offer both iOS and Android VPN clients. However, any VPN that does not offer this, will still offer the option to use their service using a manual connection on your mobile device.

Question 7: Which is the best VPN provider?

We’ve reviewed many fantastic VPN providers and are very happy to recommend a number of them. For our most up-to-date recommendations, please check out our Top 5 VPN ranking list.

Question 8: Should I use a Proxy or a VPN?

Both VPNs and Proxies allow you to appear somewhere that you are not, but that’s about where the similarities end. Proxies are normally offered for free and are generally slow in performance. VPNs are much more premium, offer far greater speed and most importantly, they offer you privacy and protection.

Question 9: How much does a VPN Service cost?

Most of our featured providers offer their VPN services for between $2.50-$15 per month, depending on the specials deals that you can get. By purchasing a VPN through our links, you sometimes will get a higher discount, with no additional cost to you, while we earn a commission for referring you. There are some extra add-ons offered by a few providers that will incur more cost, but you should not need to pay in excess of $15/mo.

Question 10: I’m not technical, will I be able to use a VPN?

You certainly can. Most VPN services nowadays offer downloadable interfaces that take the hassle out of having to manually connect to a VPN server.